who we are

our mission

To shine the light of Jesus by learning of Him, living like Him, and teaching about Him.
who are our elders

Get to know Gary , Richard and Michael


The church, according to Acts 2:47, consists of those who have been saved. Our congregation is the local gathering of that church so that we can accomplish the work of the Lord and provide support for each other. We are not part of any denomination because there is no example of denominations in the Bible.


We accept the 66 books of the Bible in their original writing to be the inspired, unerring Word of God, so we pattern all our practices, both congregationally and personally, after its principles and precepts. The Bible informs our church organization, our worship, our mission, our understanding of ethics and morality, and more. So we study it diligently and pray for God's guidance in understanding it.


The concept of God is beyond full human comprehension, but we can know some things for certain. He is eternal. He is absolute and perfect in every attribute such as love, wisdom, and righteousness. He created everything that exists in the universe. The Bible tells us He exists in three persons, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We are saved through his mercy and grace . And He is the reason why we are able to become his children .


The word, trinity, does not appear in the Bible. But the Bible does represent God as three separate persons. Jesus is proclaimed to be God in Colossians 1:15, 1:19, and 2:9 as well as Hebrews 1:3. Jesus speaks of His Father and The Spirit as beings separate from Him in John 14:12-17, 14:26, 16:7, and 16:28. So, though God is one in essence and purpose, He exists as three persons. As finite beings, we find this hard to understand, yet we know it is true because the Bible says it plainly.


Called Communion or Eucharist, the Lord's Supper is a weekly remembrance of Jesus's sacrifice on our behalf. We find it described in First Corinthians 11:23-26. Its a command to observe the Lord Supper each week. Its a major part of our Sunday Service and a main reason why we come together. The bread reminds us that Jesus freely gave His body to die. The juice reminds us that the shedding of His blood provides for the promised cleansing of our sins.


God created humans to be in fellowship with Him, to be recipients of His love. When we disrespect that fellowship by thinking our desire is more important than what God has said, that is sin. Sin breaks our relationship with God by moving us from the good He created us to be. Jesus's sacrifice was made to save us from that loss


Anyone that accepts Jesus's sacrifice is restored to full fellowship. Acceptance requires believing in Him and His offer (Hebrews 11:6). It requires turning away from the sin we practiced in the past (repent: turn around, Mark 1:15, Luke 24:47). And it requires the act of commitment that identifies you with Him. Romans 6:4-6 describes baptism as that identifying act. Jesus died, was buried, and rose with new life. In like manner, our sinful persona dies, our bodies are symbolically buried in water (baptised), and we rise from the water with new life, eternal life.


Jesus will come again (John 14:3) and the physical will give way to the new heavens and earth (Second Peter 3:10-13). All people will be raised up to see Jesus's return (John 5:28-29), some to eternity with God and some to eternity without Him (Matthew 25:31-46).